Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Territory of Oblivion (1)

``~*~ Belua ✿ Broadfoot ~*~´´ has added a photo to the pool:

The Territory of Oblivion (1)

I am always drawn towards those bizarre places where strange images and unsettling objects inhabit their own eerie spaces. Those almost dreamlike places which attempt to recall the lost other worlds of sleep, what I call the ‘Territory of Oblivion’. With Ugajin’s art at Metales I sense those strange fragmentary, surreal quality of images and their haphazard playfulness, creating elaborate states of enactment, almost like a magician would, with obscure references and snippets of letters, sentences, lyrics and diverse visual artefacts out of a bewilderingly large mental repository derived from or inspired by a vast array of seemingly unrelated ideas, phrases, artworks and ephemera.

Ugajin’s art has long held a fascination for me, more so for the fact that we seemingly share the same reading tastes in literature. Like Koestler and his definition of creativity, his ideas on bisociative process; that is one which involves a mental state that can bounce back and forth between jester and sage, bringing forth a creative end product which transcends the sum total of its disparate parts. Koestler’s definition of the creative act takes into account a period of gestation whereby creative breakthroughs often occur whilst “thinking aside”; in other words at times when rational thought is abandoned and instead mental states which are not directly related to the quest at hand are evoked.

from Virtual Reality Directory Pool