Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Ghost in the Machine (1)

``~*~ Belua ✿ Broadfoot ~*~´´ has added a photo to the pool:

The Ghost in the Machine (1)

You can almost hear the hidden humming of internal movement around and within the buildings, a sort of underlying live, breathing presence. I get the sensation of the mechanical noise and motion of old world machines, rotating cogs and wheels, obscure moving parts, twisting pipes and pulsating horns, all surreally caught in a state of unknown, but absurd intent.

The almost alive, strange, complex machines and devices that look like they were made from spare parts from a post apocalyptic scrap heap, replicas of the oddest items, huge radiator type monoliths made of metal and gauze, forever silently powered by those infernal moving cogs. Everything has the quality of being alive but not with flesh and blood, instead, with some magical dark inner movement controlling their heart and all with the hint of being able to trap you within their hypnotic movement.

The town is seemingly un-inhabited, but you have the sense of things moving and happening under the surface, behind the whimisical facades of dream houses, like ‘ghosts in the machine’ moving fleetingly, barely catching your eye as you look round, leaving you with a feeling that the past inhabitants just at that very moment as you walked in, vanished in mid air, mid meal, mid whatever they were doing, as furniture looks like its just been used, chairs just moved, beds still warm but empty, doors partly open or closed.

from Virtual Reality Directory Pool