Wednesday, March 25, 2015

[time to say good bye ...]

Charlie Namiboo has added a photo to the pool:

[time to say good bye ...]

Taken at *Frisland*, Laluna Island (131, 27, 21)

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. [Harriet Tubman]

Once upon a time there were 3 dreamers ... that's the way the story of a virtual island called Frisland started in February 2014. When we talked about our dream to create and design our own sim, we never thought we would run it for so long. In fact, we still remember when we said "ok, let's give it a try and in 3 months we'll decide how to move on ...". An amazing year went by and we experienced such a great time. We honestly wish this dream would last forever ... but even in a virtual world like Second Life with its theme "your world, your imagination" a dream can come to an end...

Now it's time for us to awake from our dream. Due to RL circumstances and the current bad exchange rate of USD/€ we can't afford Frisland any longer. It saddens our hearts but we have to face the reality and stop dreaming. Frisland was our baby and still is and we would love to keep sharing it with you. But without a miracle, we'll have to close Frisland's gates for good.

We don't want to cry but be grateful for any precious moment we had and invite you to join us on Frisland. We'll keep it open as long as possible but in about 6 or 8 weeks the time will have come ...

from Virtual Reality Directory Pool